
Circuit Rembrandt en écomobilité

Route details

Cultural, Nature (fauna, flora)


From Tonneins station, soak up a unique atmosphere and discover the surroundings of Mas d'Agenais. On the station square, head towards the city center and follow the bicycle signs towards the “Canal des 2 mers”. At km 2.5, take the road on the right. Follow “Circuit Rembrandt” throughout the loop. A painting by Rembrandt is something a little mythical that we expect to contemplate at the Louvre, alongside a work by Van Gogh or Picasso. So a Rembrandt in the little church of Mas-d'Agenais sounds more like gasconnade. Take advantage of your visit to the village to admire the work in the Saint-Vincent collegiate church. Then join the greenway of the Canal lateral à la Garonne, an invitation to your next roaming adventure.
At km 53, you leave the circuit to find the connection route to Tonneins.
By road bike
Average - 00h00
Elevation425 D +Distance57,0 km
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