You see the superb region South West ? Lean now on its radiant New Aquitaine. From here you can see the fertile Lot et Garonne, between orchards, fields and gardens. A few more minutes and it finally appears: the Garonne Valley


Proudly assumed “oings” and “S”s in each sentence, an innate culture of welcome, gastronomy that would make the heart of an ox blush and long pebble beaches along the river.

The Val de Garonne, the South-West that we will make you love…

William Picamil Prod


This is a mosaic of 43 Commons Asked multiple landscapes crossed by a Occitan identity common.

Lands of character

Being bored is not a thing of the Garonnais! Rich in its different atmospheres, the Val de Garonne always has an experience to allow you to escape, surprise you, delight or relax. While remaining with your feet on the ground. Yes, but which one?

A safe haven

For us, sharing is second nature and the pleasure of sharing is visible on faces. OUR Country is your Country*, and with him his wealth of earth and heart.
* Country in Occitan


A gourmet land

Want the real thing? The flesh of a marmandaise tomato, the incomparable melting of a goat's cheese or the sweetness of a strawberry: so many little pleasures that make Val de Garonne so special. Want fresh? Welcome to the orchard of the South-West, in the heart of an opulent land full of sun and traditions. Not counting our farms, our vineyards and our Country Producer Markets who offer you the best of their work.

OTVG William Picamil Prod

A land of heritage

Over millennia, the river has sculpted landscapes of hillsides and forests, leaving its mark on more than 2000 years of history. Roman, Romanesque, Gothic, Baroque, classical and even urban, when it comes to Art here, there is something for everyone.


A land of waters

The undisputed matron of the valley, the Garonne attracts all eyes. And all the great getaways! Boat trips, canoe trips, swimming, hiking... Enough to explore the region with new sensations. Calmer, the cycle route the Lot Valley by bike et the Canal des 2 Mers greenway by bike remain excellent partners for lovers of the little queen.


A festive land

There is always a good reason to have fun in the Val de Garonne! Find the evementally which is made for you and vibrate all night to the rhythm of the country.

OTVG W.PicamilProd


A mosaic of cultures

William Picamil Prod

The hills of Gascony

Happy crossroads between the Landes forest, the gentle valleys of Gers and Marmandais vineyard, the hills of Gascony invite you to a moment of pure disconnection. More grapes and fewer networks, this is the region's good resolution.

William Picamil Prod

The Garonne Canal

Imagine... The freshness of a peaceful canal and the shade of large plane trees in the perfect continuity of the Canal du Midi. Collect… Bicycle rides and stops, authentic regional heritage locks… Between the hills and the Garonne, rediscover the pleasure of traveling through the destination at your own pace.

William Picamil Prod

The Garonne valley

Generously irrigated by its river, the Garonne valley is a veritable Land of Plenty for epicureans. Naturally fertile, its vast plain gives rise to some of the region's tastiest specialties: Marmande tomato obviously, the strawberry le Agen prune or the hazelnut ! And for those looking for a city break, Bordeaux , Agen et Toulouse are never far away. As for the Garonne, it naturally remains the great lady of this part of the South-West.


The Lot Valley 

If there is one who doesn't count for plums, it's her! For its famous Lot and its 400 km of meanders which welcome all your desires for freshness. Canoeing, fishing and swimming sessions in Clairac: all pleasures are permitted. The Lot Valley is also a business who rolls, through powerful nature, a beautiful built heritage and a handful of traditions to savor without hunger. Ask for the Agen prune! It is finally the gateway to many emblematic sites nearby, including Cahors and the Valentré bridge as well as Saint-Cirq-Lapopie, voted Most Beautiful Village in France.

The hills of Guyenne

In the north of the territory, the landscapes undulate and adopt gentle reliefs at the summits of which a few pechs emerge. Under the sky of the Val de Garonne, Périgord takes shape and with it the most beautiful sites of the Dordogne.

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