It's so easy to get around in Val de Garonne. By train, bus, coach or bike, there is everything you need to get around without stressing out and spending too much. A quick review of the workforce before taking the plunge and switching to ecomobility mode:


Regional Express Trains

Take the train to connect Sainte-Bazeille, Marmande and Tonneins! It's practical, easy, ecological and economical. In just a few minutes, you can cross the Val de Garonne from west to east for a mini trip and experience a great adventure during your vacation.

  • SNCF station, SNCF stop – 47180 SAINTE BAZEILLE
  • SNCF station, rue Armand Fallières – 47200 MARMANDE
  • SNCF station, rue de la gare – 47400 TONNEINS

The Tideo bus

It is the coach network in the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region which connects the main towns of the department. For Marmande, it's line 800 which takes you to Villeneuve-sur-Lot, of course via Tonneins and Clairac. And all this for only €2 per trip!


The Evalys bus

The Tourist Office offers a service for selling transport tickets for Evalys, the Val de Garonne urban network, in the information offices of Marmande and Tonneins. To become a regular user, nothing could be simpler: go to one of our offices with proof of identity and address to make your card. Smile on the photo and you are ready to choose your subscription or your à la carte journeys in increments of 10 journeys.

You can also prepare your file online and come and collect your card which will be printed in our premises.


The bike

Véloval : rent an electric bike for a month, quarterly or yearly? It’s possible at the Tourist Office! Rent one of our 25 electrically assisted bikes and make your daily journeys fun, ecological and above all very economical! The service is open to any adult residing in the Val de Garonne Agglomération area. Bike rental and return are done at the Val de Garonne Tourist Office (Marmande or Tonneins offices). Even the price is intended to be low: the equivalent of €1 per day for the classic rate (€30/month, €80/quarter, €300/year). A 25% reduction in the price is granted to anyone who subscribes annually to the Evalys transport network.

And for car fans:


Electric charging stations

Stay connected in Val de Garonne with the charging stations available to you throughout the region. On four or two wheels, there is bound to be a terminal near you.

Renting, the other good solution

Want a little freedom to get off the beaten track and go where public transport doesn't go? Rent a vehicle for the day or week from our partner rental companies.

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