Equestrian, Walking, Mountain biking

Seyches, un circuit dans les bois des Rivailles

Route details

Equestrian, Walking, Mountain biking
Nature (fauna, flora)


Originally, the fortified city of Seyches had four city gates. Today only one remains, the old tower of the medieval castle. Remodeled in the XNUMXth century, it serves as the bell tower for the church of Seyches. This tower is built of cut stone. Covered with a flat tile roof, it presents the architectural characteristics of this type of building. It is pierced by two levels of semi-circular bays, containing the bells. The access door to the tower is built into the wall connecting the tower to the church. A straight wooden staircase leads upstairs where two doors open onto a passage which connected the castle to the enclosure. This circuit will then take you to discover the Rivailles woods, which is home to a large number of palm groves, and numerous Marmandais lakes.
By mountain bike
Average - 01h40
Average - 03h20
On horseback
Elevation275 D +Distance13,0 km
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