Pedestrian, mountain bike

Le Mas-d'Agenais, du canal à la forêt

Route details

Pedestrian, mountain bike
Nature (fauna, flora)


This hike with very shallow relief connects the village irrigated by the Garonne and the Canal des Deux Mers. As you pass through Le Mas-d'Agenais, from the paved square with a medieval-looking market hall, do not hesitate to enter the Collegiate Church of Saint-Vincent.
It is considered one of the most remarkable buildings in Lot-et-Garonne, for several reasons. First of all, its architecture is a mixture of styles, it notably includes a 12th century portal. The collegiate church also owes its fame to the fact that it houses the sarcophagus and funerary stele of Saint-Vincent, whose relics had been housed in the 5th century. Finally, the Mas-d'Agenais collegiate church is famous for its magnificent paintings, including a masterpiece by Rembrandt, representing Christ expiring on the cross.
By mountain bike
Average - 01h40
Average - 03h15
Elevation125 D +Distance12,8 km
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