La Gupie is a river that flows from Monteton.
If your eyebrows are not already raised after reading this introduction, you should also know that the village of Monteton stands proudly on the hills of the Guyenne hills. And that it belongs to the Association of communes with a burlesque and singing name.

But let's return to our river. The Gupy belongs to the numerous watercourses which feed the river on its long journey towards the ocean. Bordered by a riverine forest of shrubs and groves, it marks its presence in the hollow of the fields and meadows which dot the gentle slopes of the hills. It finally mixes its waters with those of Garonne, very close to Sainte-Bazeille, after a 20km journey.
Along the way, it lent its name to a few municipalities with particularly explicit toponyms. So, Castelnau-sur-Gupie takes its name from an ancient medieval castle. Nearby is the “bad neighbor” of Mauvezin-sur-Gupie and its church with its remarkable framework. And finally, know that the Gupie also goes to… Lagupie.


A little game to finish: Do you know what the inhabitants of these three charming villages are called?

Answer: The Castelnaudais of Gupie, the Mauvezinois and the Gupiais

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