Ham, rind, salt, pepper, garlic, spices and one last magical ingredient which is passed down between charcutiers, from generation to generation... This is the recipe for real and tasty Tonneins ham.

This dish, which was once served in a stagecoach relay under the name Jambon du Postillon, was (and still is) the pride of the Toninque city. According to legend, King Louis XIII, who tasted it during his visit to Agenais, himself retained a burning gastronomic emotion. Strange when we know that it was this same king who ordered the total destruction of the city in 1622. Well, who likes to be punished well...

This dish, long consumed with the arrival of autumn, was served molded in glass bowls in the city's restaurants. Today, only a butcher maintains this recipe passed down from generation to generation, but the dish is very popular locally and beyond with increasing demand! Fans never leave town without buying one. THE Tonneins ham is rather an excellent winter dish to face the first frosts…

For the defenders of this traditional dish from Val de Garonne, do not hesitate to share your tasting photos with us with #Supportthejambondetonneins!

Chef, the recipe!

Find a name for the recipe

Season: Spring to have
Instructions: 20 mn  to have
Cuisson: 5 to 6h

For 10 people 

I need :

  • 2kg of ham
  • 2kg fresh pork shoulder, skinned and defatted
  • 3-4 kg of rinds (2/3 rinds for one third lean)
  • Salt, pepper, spices

I'm going for it : 
Preheat oven to 180 ° C. To see

Step 1: Place a bed of defatted rinds at the bottom of a large container.

Step 2: Prick the pork shoulder with garlic clove. Rub it with coarse salt, pepper and Rabelais spices (mixture of spices from Africa, Asia and herbs from Provence). Add these pieces on top of the bed of rinds.

Step 3: Add water to completely cover the meat. Place in the oven and cook for 5 to 6 hours. Make sure the meat is well separated from the bones.

Step 4: Taste the sauce and adjust if it is salty enough. To give a caramelized appearance to the sauce, you can add Patrelle flavoring, a natural coloring based on glucose.

Step 5: Tonneins ham can be enjoyed cold or hot accompanied by steamed potatoes or Creole rice, garlic croutons and a good Côtes du Marmandais wine.

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