As famous as it is tasty, it makes Val de Garonne farmers blush with pride: it is of course the Marmande tomato. Often associated with the pleasures of summer, its traditional and regulated culture delights lovers of the real thing every year. Varieties, benefits and recipes: we tell you everything about the queen of the crate.

The Marmande tomato, a tradition to eat

Of Italian origin, the Marmande tomato is slowly arriving on French soil. It was first used as a supplementary crop following the phylloxera epidemic which ravaged the vineyards. in 1863. We will have to wait for the late nineteenth century to see tomatoes flourish in the Marmandais region. The rise of canneries on the banks of the Lot, the Garonne and the Dordogne ultimately popularized the beautiful meatiness that we know.

In 2020, the Tomate de Marmande brand was created at the initiative of the Association of Fruits and Vegetables of Lot-et-Garonne (AIFLG). Objective ? Restoring the nobility of a historic product and regulating its culture. The Marmande tomato is planted in our soil, and not elsewhere!

The Marmande tomato in figures: 

1st place: in the ranking of most consumed vegetables in France 
3 varieties: Ribbed, Horned and Heart tomatoes 
30 kilos : this is the average consumption of French people per year
94% water : ideal for hydrating this summer
150 years: tomato cultivation on our soil has a long history! More than a vegetable, an entire part of the region's gastronomic heritage. 

What season to eat Marmande tomatoes?

The Marmande tomato is a summer vegetable. It is generally consumed from July to October in its raw version.

True or false ?

Marmande tomatoes can be stored in the fridge : Fto ❌


Below 12° they lose their taste, texture and flavor. Store them preferably in a fruit basket at room temperature.


The tomato is a vegetable:  True ✔️ and Fto ❌


It's time to end the debate! In botanical terms, the tomato has seeds and flowers, so it is automatically classified as a fruit. In culinary terms, however, its mild taste and its often salty preparation have made it a vegetable. Tomato and cucumber, same seeds, same fight!

The 3 varieties of the Marmande Tomato

1- The ribbed tomato variety 

  • Melting and fleshy texture
  • Fragrant taste
  • Brings color to dishes
  • Ideal variety for: carpaccio, salad and stuffed tomatoes

2- The horned tomato variety 

  • Fleshy and dense texture 
  • Mild taste 
  • Very little juicy 
  • Ideal variety for: pies & pizzas, skewers, sandwiches and sauces

3- The heart tomato variety

  • Melting and fleshy texture
  • Intense taste 
  • Ideal variety: raw, in salad, with salt crunch

The benefits of Marmande tomatoes

Both very low in calories (19 kcal per 100 g) and essentially made up of water (94%), the Marmande tomato has the gift of delighting without excess. Its high fiber also offers you pleasant digestive comfort, while its antioxidants and vitamin C boost your immune defenses and fight against the signs of aging.

Tomatoes in all their forms!

Chef, the recipe

When Marmande's tomato tells of salads, we readily believe it. And if it is also mixed with strawberry and burrata, then there… We see red!


Tomato and burrata salad

Season: Spring – Summer 
Preparation time : 5 mn
Cooking time : No cooking 

For 4 people 

Products of the day: 

  • 1 burrata
  • 3 Marmande tomatoes
  • 100g of strawberries
  • A handful of pistachios
  • Balsamique vinegar
  • Olive oil

I'm going for it

Step 1: Wash the tomatoes and strawberries. 

Step 2: Cut the Marmande tomatoes into slices and arrange them in a rosette in a serving dish.

Step 3: Hull the strawberries then cut them into 4. Spread over the tomatoes.
Place the burrata in the center of the dish.

Step 4: Crush the pistachios and sprinkle them over the salad.

Step 5 : Season your tomato dish with olive oil and balsamic vinegar. Simple, quick and tasty

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